The Bulls of War is Ranked! (i.e., it's in Amazon's Top 25*)
The Bulls of War is Ranked! (i.e. it's in Amazon's Top 25*)
More good news from The Bulls of War front and some non sequitur musings to go along with it.
Top 25 on Amazon
The Bulls of War’s climb up the Amazon fantasy rankings continues at breakneck speed – or maybe a steady pace, but breakneck sounds more impressive, and it’s all about marketing, right? In the Myth/Greek & Roman/Fantasy department, it’s broken into the Top 25, which to put in college football/basketball terms means: I’m ranked!
In the overall Fantasy rankings, I’ve vaulted into the vaunted Top 460, which in college football/basketball terms means: ______. But in Fortune 500 terms means… um, I’ll drop the analogies, and just leave it that 460 for my epic fantasy out of thousands (?) makes me happy. My goal of Top 50 overall looms ever closer, only 410 spots to go, down from 664.
Marketing Stuff
My marketing efforts have continued at the local level and far beyond, and hope to share more of the fruit of those endeavors in the coming days and weeks. For those authors out there that are a little earlier in the process than this, there is simply a staggering amount of information available if you are trying to figure out where to start, to say nothing of the many online forums and groups dedicated to the same purpose. Send me a note if you’d like to discuss further.
Free Kindle Books and Tips
I had a nice spot in the Free Kindle Books and Tips newsletter today, click the link above to see it on the site. For the uninitiated, FKBT is a great, informative site with an even better newsletter which parses through the hundreds (probably being charitable here) of new books hitting Amazon every day.
Non Sequiturs
In the narrow windows between everything else going on, I found time to catch (read: binge) the Netflix series Stranger Things, and would be remiss not to pass on my thoughts. I’d give it a B overall – it’s a great throwback piece to those children of the 80s like myself, reminiscent of and a homage to Goonies/E.T. and other films of the era in the Spielberg-ian mold. It goes beyond kitsch and is generally engaging – at times riveting – based primarily on the backs of the solid casting. The kids in particular are phenomenal and hilarious, Winona Ryder is fanatical in her role while not crossing the line into overacting, and the lead cop is gritty and believable (even if his plotline sometimes isn’t). Certain of the storylines didn’t work for me and I vastly preferred the first half of the season to the second, but I still wanted to see it through to the end; the nostalgia alone is worth it. Makes me want to write my sci-fi, but there’s too much historical fiction and fantasy to get through first. :)
My next "narrow window" show is The Night Of on HBO. So far, so good, though not blown away after two episodes. Interesting that Gandolfini was supposed to be the lead defense lawyer instead of John Turturro.